Sunday, January 31, 2010

She's baa-aack

Well, she being me.
I'm back on a much more permanent basis. I got a nifty little lap for a really good deal. It was kind of hard and frusterating to blog randomly. It seemed to defeat the purpose. Liffe has been throwing me for and through some loops. But I'm still standing--a little wobbly, but I'm here.

Also, I get to internets when I'm doing number two.
No she didn't!

Oh yes I did honey chile!


Michelle D. Argyle said...

I want a little laptop! Congrats! I'm glad to see you back. You've been missed. :)

I am not the ninja you were looking for said...

As far as I am concerned your #2's are #1 in my book!

I've missed you. Love love love!

Alicia Evans said...

Thanks Miss Glamis, I missed all of my fellow ladies of literature.

And I missed you alot Miss Crys...sending you oodles of love from dirtee jersee