Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's been a long time...

Well, at least a little over a month since I last posted here.

Life has thrown some major curve balls and I've been doging some and hitting some out of the ball park--or something like that.

Mostly, I've been writing alot. I don't know how it's going to pan out. I'm just doing it because it's what I do. You get to create a world to live in for the time being--and the real world problems are gone for a couple of hours.

Life is...life. I'm trying to get mines back in some semblance of order and once I do, I'll be back full force.

There is a calmness in knowing that my pen still touches paper as often as possible and sometimes for hours on end. That hasn't stopped. That's the most important thing. Before blogging and networking and posting chapters...it's always been just the pen, the paper and the words.

On another note, I've signed up for NaNoWriMo. Whether or not I'll even wait or still participate remains to be seen. I'm a rebel. I always like to do things my own way (which is probably why it only works out for me 48% of the time)

I'm still keeping up on current events in the whole writer market thing. I'm still reading blogs and keeping up to date. Even though I'm not here every day or even every week...I'm here in spirit--or some junk.


Michelle D. Argyle said...

I'm so glad you're still around. I'm sorry to hear about the curve balls. As you know, I've had a few of my own, but things are looking up.

Good luck with NaNo! I think it's wonderful you'll be doing that this year. :)